I love this time of year where everyone seems to find new motivation to accomplish all the things they want out of this life. I know it certainly sparks new desires in my own life. I’m hoping to make 2015 the best year yet for myself & my blog – I’m excited to have you along for the ride! I’ve come up with some personal goals/resolutions for various aspects of my life. My intention is to follow-up with each of these at the end of every quarter to stay on track!
- Write 1 letter per month and send via snail mail
- Have lunch with my sisters once per month
- Find a new church
- Get Braces (scheduled for March!)
- Pay off my 3 highest percentage rate student loans
- See how I can pray for my best friends each month
- Pass my Series 65 exam
- Get a health/wellness certification
- Begin making small supplemental income somewhere (blogging or part-time job)
- Run a Marathon (scheduled for February!)
- Create 1 new juice per month
- Have a solid base of 5 miles 3-4x’s per week by the end of the year
- Become mostly Vegan
Blogging – I may be a little ambitious here, but this would be my ideal blog moving forward
- 2 DIY projects per month
- 2 New Recipes per month
- Create a Favorite Things type post that goes up every other week
- 1 Fashion post per month (this is going to be tough y’all!)
- 1 Fitness related post per week
- Fix my comments!!!!!! – oy, this has been the most frustrating thing!
- Post a minimum of 5 times per week
- Have at least 5 posts per month that are good to promote on all forms of social media
- Only post things that I can be proud of – don’t post just to post.
I’m excited about the possibilities I have to accomplish so much and I hope my motivation doesn’t just stop with this list! I’ll probably update it over the next few weeks as I discover new goals & ambitions for 2015! I’m always thrilled to see what a new year holds and I’m excited to be on this journey with all of you who continue to read my blog – Thank you!
- What are some of your resolutions for 2015?
Meg says
These are such awesome goals! I cannot wait to read your fashion posts and all of your recipes. Just make sure you’re not vegan by the time you come to SC lol, I don’t think that’s a thing here haha!! I just LOVE your Christmas photo, too!!
Heather @ No Bologna says
haha my fashion posts will probably be a JOKE! So if you’re looking for a good laugh, that’d be the place to get it! I can assure you, I will NOT be a vegan within the next 3 weeks so you’re good there! I can’t wait to try some delicious places in SC! Although I’ll be on the Engine2 challenge with Whole Foods during that time, I’ll make a few exceptions to truly enjoy our visit together!
I must say… I’m not the typical person to get a really cute and spunky pho
to like that Christmas photo up there… but my lucky stars aligned lol and we ended up with probably my favorite picture of me and my sisters to date! See ya real soon! 🙂
Julie says
Good luck with all your goals!
Heather @ No Bologna says
Thank you Julie! 🙂