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I haven’t been reading as much as I would like lately. I love what a good book can do though. It can encourage, it can INSPIRE, it can empower, it can educate, & it can do so much more! I wanted to share with you some of the most inspirational books I’ve read lately. If you get a chance to read one of these books, you really should!
{Captivating: Unveiling the Mystery of a Woman’s Soul}
I can’t even keep count of how many times I’ve read this book. It’s the best book for women. When I find myself stressing over my own personal inadequacies or when I don’t feel beautiful – I read this book. It puts my beauty back into perspective. My beauty is not judged by the world – it’s judged by God. He finds me beautiful and captivating and worthy. There will come days when Nick cannot be everything I need/want him to be. He’s human. There will come days when I cannot possibly be everything Nick needs or wants. I’m human. Instead of getting depressed over this fact though, I’m reminded of God’s love and although undeserving, it’s full of grace and mercy! He finds me completely captivating. He desires to be my best friend, the love of my life, my one & only!
{Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead}
I have definitely struggled finding my place in the professional work force over the past couple of years. Sheryl Sandberg does a wonderful job of explaining why you should never let the fact that you’re a woman keep you from excelling and doing just as much as a man. We should lean in to opportunities instead of stepping back because we fear what others may think since we’re a woman or we fear our own failure because we may not be “good enough”. Take the plunge and allow yourself to become a woman in leadership. This book did my professional soul a whole lot of good! I’m about to re-read it for a refresher. If I loved a book so much that I would re-read it, then it’s worth mentioning!
{Crazy Love: Overwhelmed by a Relentless God}
Here’s the thing – If I’m being completely honest with you… I struggle to love others at times. I can be judgmental, I can be harsh, I can be unforgiving. You know what else is true though? I’m the least deserving of love and the most deserving of judgement and harshness and unforgiveness, yet God loves me! Why is it so hard for me to love others in return? This book helped me figure out my own soul when it comes to loving others and forgiving others. It helped me realize the depth of God’s love for me and what he calls me to do. It was a beautiful and challenging book to read. There will be days when you feel so challenged by the words you read, you have to put the book down for a few days. There will be days when you’re so moved by the words you read, that tears are flowing for the desire within you to be the person God has called you to be. This book is worth a read! If you can get a biblestudy together to read a chapter each week and discuss – that’d be even better!
{Blog, Inc.: Blogging for Passion, Profit, and to Create Community}
I haven’t finished this book yet, unfortunately. From what I have read so far though, it’s excellent. I then packed it up when I left Starkville and I haven’t been able to find it since. I know it’s in a box somewhere, I’m just not sure where at this point. I do intend to finish it completely one of these days. If you want to improve your blog, grow your blog, make money blogging, or anything else that deals with blogging – then you should read this book!
Here are some books on my “too read” list! I love having a strong list of books that will challenge, motivate, empower, encourage, & guide me. I just started Steve Jobs & I’ve started Forgotten God before, but I don’t think I’ve finished it so I’d like to go back.
Steve Jobs
Vegan for Life: Everything You Need to Know to Be Healthy and Fit on a Plant-Based Diet
Forgotten God: Reversing Our Tragic Neglect of the Holy Spirit
What books have inspired you lately? I’d love to read your suggestions!