Good Morning! I don’t know about you, but I’m unbelievably excited that it’s finally Friday! This week has been a doozy! For those of you who are concerned about my car – there were a lot of problems and they basically told me it wasn’t worth fixing. Nick’s coming home this weekend so he’s going to take a crack at it and see what he can do. I’ll continue to keep you updated! Hopefully I won’t end up car shopping because that was not on my list of to-do’s anytime soon! Now on to our topic for the day.
The first image that pops in my head when I think about being “stranded” is Tom Hanks & Wilson. I imagine what I would do in that situation and the truth is.. probably die. I’m honestly not sure how he actually survived that, but I guarantee he wouldn’t have without his pal. If I was going to be stranded, here are the FIVE things I absolutely would not survive without!
1. Nick
There is no way I would be alive if I got stranded without Nick by my side. He’s the handiest guy to have around for an event such as this. He’s an Eagle Scout and has been on more campout’s than any other person I know! He has a wealth of knowledge on survival and knows how to tie a ton of great knots. I just don’t think there is any way I would make it without him!
He is clearly meant for the wilderness, y’all!
These pictures are from our Hiking Trip back in 2008!
2. A Camera
If I ended up stranded in the woods and survived, I’m fairly certain no one would believe me (of course, unless Nick was there with me the whole time). I’m sure I’d find some great photographs though! I’d absolutely need my camera to document the actual experience (how else would I come back to blog about it?) and get some beautiful pictures of nature (hopefully) along with “make memories” with Nick. What other memories would be as exciting to retell than the time we got stranded on a deserted island!? None. So yeah, definitely need my camera! Hopefully I would have bought a Go Pro Camera at this point, so I can attach it to my body while I hike and everyone could get the action from my point of view! That’d be so cool!
3. Food & Beverages
I’m a girl who likes to eat and since I don’t plan on killing any of my food while stranded, I’ll definitely need some backups! I’m sure the whole experience will be overwhelming too, so bringing along some beverages to calm the nerves is a must.
4. A planner
What if we end up stranded, but we find fellow-stranded people who become our friends? How in the world would we plan gatherings if I didn’t have my planner? Plus, I assume there is a lot that goes into survival and I need to know what days to graze for food, what days to resurface our hut or tent, and most importantly I’d like to keep track of what day it actually is for the sheer possibility that I survive and enter the real world again. It’d also be a great way to document our adventure by writing down monumental events under each day.
5. Toilet Paper
I’m sorry, but wiping my butt with a leaf will not fly. I’m going to need some legit toilet paper – not the crappy stuff! If it’s one of the only luxuries I’m provided, I want It to be good! I remember when we went camping, using the bathroom was one of the toughest parts for me. I imagine if I’m on a deserted island, it’ll still be difficult, but the toilet paper will definitely brighten the mood.
Disclaimer: This post topic was provided to me by Man Crates. They have excellent gifts for men and they’re all packaged in crates. I’m checking out some possible gifts for Nick since our anniversary is coming up in September! I’m pretty sure he would love this Old School Crate. Be sure to check out Man Crates when you’re not quite sure what to get your guy! I realize not every guy is as handy as my guy is when it comes to the great outdoors (I have no doubt you keep him around for many other great reasons), but you should definitely get him an actual Outdoor Survival Crate pronto!
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