The information received through this blog may be given to advertisers as a way of soliciting business. The e-mail addresses given for the newsletter will not be sold or given to third-parties – it is strictly used to communicate between No Bologna and it’s readers. E-mail addresses will also not be used for spam. No Bologna uses Google Analytics to track browsing history and site traffic. No Bologna will frequently use affiliated links. I greatly appreciate any support provided by my readers with affiliated links. Once an affiliated link is clicked, it is at the risk of the reader regarding what information they provide through the link. No Bologna will link to third-party sites and I am not responsible for the information posted by those sites.
No Bologna reserves the rights to all pictures posted. Please ask permission before using any pictures or provide a link back to my blog to credit any pictures used. If I find that information on my site was used illegally, I have the right to seek legal counsel if necessary. If I use a picture on my site that is not mine, I will always credit the original site where I found the picture.
I reserve the right to make changes to the Privacy Policy as I see fit.
The views and statements expressed on No Bologna are my own. You are reading No Bologna at your own risk and I am not providing any type of professional advice. Unless otherwise noted, all material on No Bologna may not be used, reprinted, or published without my consent. I do occasionally have affiliated links on my blog – this does not raise the price of the product, I simply get a very small commission from the regular retail price if something is purchased using an affiliated link on my site. I appreciate any support by you in regards to affiliated links.