- The Good
Nick’s dad came out of surgery and is doing great! The nurses & doctors think he’ll make a pretty quick recovery. His mitral valve had already begun to repair itself so they didn’t have to do anything to it when they went in.
Nick’s on his way home right now as I type this post out. I’m excited about seeing him this weekend, but even more excited that his brother is able to head back home to Florida to be with Kathryn since she’s about to have their baby! I know it’s been an exhausting trip for him to be here these past 2 weeks helping out with his dad.
I took 3 practice tests for the Series 63 test that I have today at 3:30pm and passed 2 of them.
I’m so excited about a Mississippi Women Blogger’s leadership team meeting tomorrow morning and getting to meet some new bloggers plus grow our blogging platform in Mississippi!
I just found out some exciting news about work, I can’t share anything yet… but it’s definitely good!
I’m running again!
- The Bad
My phone has been dead all week and will probably continue to be through most of next week.
You remember that really awesome road trip I talked about – driving all the way to MA for Meg’s wedding? That didn’t happen. Due to Nick’s dad being in ICU all last week and then the surgery this week, we didn’t feel comfortable being that far away over the weekend, so we decided not to go. I cried so many tears over this because I was so excited about seeing Meg & meeting Amanda! I was also excited about seeing my best friend Lacy. You have to do what’s right though and I’m thankful we had this time with Nick’s family during a really difficult situation.
I have my Series 63 test today and although I passed 2/3 of the practice tests I’ve taken so far, I haven’t been able to study as much as I planned too because of everything going on. Let’s hope I just pass!
I want a lot of new pricey items right now without a budget that can provide it. I want a new laptop so I can blog out of town easier and travel lighter to coffee shops when I want to get out of the house. I want a gps watch to run with and I think I’ve determined that if I can make it through half of my marathon training (8 weeks), then I’ll break down and buy one for myself because it’ll come in handy for those longer runs. I want a new wardrobe because my goodness…. I’m re-wearing things like they’re going out of style… and well, they are.
- The Ugly
This blog. I updated WordPress and it screwed everything up. I was able to respond to comments for all of 2 seconds, now that’s jacked up again. My navigation bar has shifted to the left and I have no clue how to fix it. I don’t know what to do…. I probably need a different design & theme, I’m contemplating the switch back to blogger because this is way more of a headache than it’s worth – then I can wait until I actually have money to spend on a decent WordPress designer who can handle all this crap for me without me having to bother my dad every .5 seconds! Also, because I have no phone, I have no pictures… that’s like rule #1 in blogging – always have pictures.
This cereal I’m eating…
My room. With everything going on, I haven’t had time to clean it. I have 2 loads of laundry that are in a heaping pile. They get transferred from my bed to my t-shirt bin every day and night so I can find something to wear. I have mail piled up on my desk and I really need to sweep up all the dog hair Cappie has left behind.
My marathon training. That’s right, I’m training for my very first marathon! I want to do a marathon and I keep coming up with excuses not too… well it’s time y’all!! I need to do some research on proper fueling and training when I get up in my mileage, but this has been the first week and I’m fairly certain I look pretty darn ugly when I run right now. I haven’t been a heavy runner since my Disney Wine & Dine Half-Marathon because that race burnt me out due to the pain I experienced on that race.
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