I ran today.
It was fabulous.
It was flawed.
I haven’t run in over a month. It’s sad, really. I don’t have a gym membership right now because I’m on the fence about whether or not I’m going to stay in Jackson. It’s been freezing outside, so I’ve had ZERO motivation to go outside and get a good workout in. It’s also really cold inside my house, so honestly… I stay snuggled up and lazy.
Today I ran though. I knew I needed it. I have a few short races coming up that I know I want to be prepared for. I also have that 50 mile bike ride that I should be prepping for (which, I’m still accepting donations. I have to raise $200 at least. Any amount is greatly appreciated). So today was the day. I needed to get back out there and start working out.
It was fabulous.
The weather was great. This vegetarian thing has taken good care of me, that’s for sure. Normally when I go an extended period of time without a workout or run, I hit the pavement and I feel every inch of my flab. I feel it bouncing around and it’s all gross and yucky and makes me wonder why the heck I thought this was a good idea. This time though… I felt solid, I felt thinner than I usually do when I go without working out that long. It was a fabulous run.
I don’t think that my vegetarianism makes me skinny though. I definitely think veganism can make you skinny because you cut out all the fattening dairy, but vegetarianism… I don’t think it plays as large of a role. It can, for sure, and to an extent it does, but I don’t believe that cutting out meat has cut down my figure. I do believe that my vegetarian mindset has though. I realize that there are all these nutrients I need to get. I’m not getting my protein and other nutrients from meat, so in my mind, I realize that I need to make sure I get that. I’m more conscious about my intake of healthy produce and nutrient rich foods. I don’t just eat junk and call it vegetarianism. I don’t just make a grilled cheese now, I try to incorporate veggies into my grilled cheese. I don’t just eat a cheese pizza, I get a veggie pizza. Vegetarianism has been good.
Back to my run today.
It was flawed.
Just because my body hasn’t blown up in the past month, doesn’t mean this run was easy. There was less of me to work off, but I still needed to work. My shins and knees felt some pain. I alternated running and walking. Because I’ve been so use to the cold weather, I may have overdressed myself for this run. I didn’t need gloves or the jacket I wore. My run was good, but my run had its flaws. I’m okay with that though because at least it was a start.
I’ve also decided to do that 30 day squat challenge that everyone is talking about. Michelle is the first person who I noticed doing it. She’s been keeping up with it really well and has mentioned that she already sees results and she’s only on Day 9. I thought, geez…. maybe I’m not heavily working out, but a girl can do some squats while watching Netflix. So that’s what I’m doing. I started yesterday with 50 squats. After my run, I stretched really good (because BOY WAS I TIGHT!), and then I did 55 squats. Tomorrow is 60 and then I can rest. My thighs and hamstrings are SORE. I’m feeling it y’all.
I feel good. I love my new eating habits and I loved my run today. I love thinking about how lifted my butt will feel after these 30 days of squats. It all feels good and it feels right.
*And what happens when you forget that all your pictures are now on your external HD and you’re too lazy to go get it? Well, you just pull pictures from past blog posts and hope your readers will still enjoy seeing them. #Bloggerfail Oops.*
Have you been in a workout slump with this cold weather?
Have you taken a workout hiatus and realize that your eating habits during that time affected your next workout (whether good or bad)?
Are you doing the 30 day squat challenge? If so, where are you at? Have you thought about trying it?