So as I’ve mentioned, I’m out of town this week for work, but I’ve had some fabulous ladies guest posting on the blog this week, and this sweet Alabama lady is no different! I met Lauren at a blate a few weeks back and I really enjoyed getting to know her that day and since through her blog! She has this recipe for y’all today that looks amazing and I’m definitely going to have to try it myself! Check out Lauren’s recipe and then hop on over to her blog and say hi, I know she’d appreciate it!
Hey! I’m Lauren and I blog over at Simply Free. I’m a southern newlywed trying to live out this life as simply & creatively as I can while serving Christ, loving others, and finding an abundance of joy & laughter along the way! I write about life & love, as well as recipes & other crafts I’ve really enjoyed creating. I am so excited to guest post over here with the lovely miss Heather. She is simply wonderful & it has been so great getting to know her so I was delighted when she asked if I wanted to do a guest post 🙂
I wanted to share this recipe for sweet & spicy pickles with y’all because it is one of my favorites for the husband and I to do together! As we both love Wickles, we have really taken to making these as our family “gift” for holidays and housewarming presents. And it’s really quite a simple process once you get the hang of it 🙂
Hi there! I’m Clara and you can usually find me over at Walking in the Light.
This topic is one that has been discussed between my friends and me on numerous occasions. I started planning out our meals and lunches months ago, and it has made life so much simpler (and less stressful). At first, I was trying to scramble around at night or after work to make packed lunches and dinner, and that got old very quickly.
Thanks again Heather for letting me come share my meal planning with you!