May has been an incredibly busy, but wonderful month! I haven’t had a chance to blog much lately and I have some changes being made as I type, but I’m excited to be here for Bliss! I love sharing my favorite things from the month and I hope you do too! Link-up below with me and Meg!
I need a first sentence generator
With just a bit of pixie-dust, maybe I won’t give up!
A lot of things made tonight a really great night. First of all, when I got off work I went home and got a good run in. Nick and I are of course doing a challenge because we both need to get our rears in shape! We’re doing 100 miles in 100 days, but it only counts when you reach your pace goal. My personal pace goal is a 10:15 mile. Nick’s is something absurd like 8 minutes and something seconds. So far I’m at 3 miles complete. So I did 2 miles today and it felt good. After my run, I came home to a birthday card in the mail from my best friend who now lives in Colorado and a sweet birthday care package from my blog bestie, Meg, that was filled with tons of fun things to enjoy this week (more on that later)! I also went grocery shopping tonight, which always makes me happy! I got some great stuff for lunches this week and enjoyed one of my egg & cheese bagels for dinner. Right now, I’m blogging and watching Tangled. You see? Great night!
Now, I’m having a difficult time with something at the moment…. you remember that bike ride I’m doing to raise money for diabetes? Yeah, me neither pretty much! Just kidding, I do remember it… because y’all, I’m sort of freaking out! I’ve only raised $37 out of the $200 I MUST have in order to even ride! On top of that, I haven’t trained at all. It’s a month away. Now, let’s be honest…. I told them that there was no way on this green earth that I will survive a 50 mile bike ride in a month, so now I’m signed up for the 25 mile bike ride. I think I’ll be able to manage. The truth is though, I’m not very motivated to do it at all. I’m pretty sure that Nick and I are going to Florida immediately after the race (his brother is moving there, yay! More Disney for us!) and I just don’t want to trek my bike back and forth or have to get a place to stay in NOLA (because our free place fell through).
So today’s INSPIRING topic is about “pushing through” because clearly, I need this talk myself! When I did the Disney College Program, I was tempted to quit more times that I can count on my hand. I didn’t though… I pushed through. Granted, I pushed through because of the amazing people in my life who convinced me to stick it out and seriously, I’m so grateful for that encouragement! I specifically remember sitting at dinner one night, at my favorite pizza place in Orlando, Flippers, and talking with Nick, his brother, and sister-in-law when they were in town for Spring Break. At this point, I was dead set on leaving. I don’t exactly remember the precise words his brother used, but they were so compelling that I knew I’d end up staying (even though I didn’t want to). I have no doubt it was something along the lines of regret because that is truly what it boiled down too – I was certain I’d regret leaving. Now, that wasn’t the last time I thought about leaving… it came up a few other times, but in the end… I’m so thankful for the conversation and the power it had to keep me at Disney.
*I may use my Disney College Program experience a little too much these days lol, oh well*
With just a little bit of pixie-dust, maybe I’ll reach my $200 limit & be well-trained for the race! |
The question is…. Will I regret not doing this race? Chances are, I will. The cause is close to my heart – my best friend growing up dealt with and continues to deal with Diabetes. The money is going towards the education and resources for diabetes education. I’ll get a good 25 mile workout from it right before sporting my swim suit in Florida. Basically, I need to stick it out. I need to push through. I will feel better about myself and the cause if I do it.
Do you struggle with this? Do have a situation where you gave up on something and ended up regretting it? Do you have a situation where you didn’t give up on something and you’re thankful that you did? What about….. a situation where you gave up and you DIDN’T regret it?
Any words of encouragement will be greatly appreciated as I continue to “push through” and raise money for a great cause while training for this 25 miles! By the way, if you haven’t donated, but would like too (even something as small as $1 or $5 will be greatly appreciated!), then CLICK HERE! Or… if you have a free place for me to stay Friday night, May 9th, in New Orleans, that would be appreciated as well!
Y’all have a wonderful Monday evening, go make your life better by watching a Disney Movie!