Hey y’all, My name is Heather! I grew up in Mississippi and live here with my Husband, Nick. We got married on February 24, 2018. He’s a mechanical engineer and I work in school fundraising – we’re total opposites and it works! I became a vegetarian in January of 2014 and never looked back. Yes, he still eats meat, but we rarely ever have it at home. We have a deep love for all things Disney – got engaged at Disney, had my bachelorette party at Disney, honeymooned at Disney, and find every excuse possible to vacation at Disney!
Nick and I decided to go on this 6 week vegan journey in the Fall of 2012. Since I had been a blogger for a while at that point, I knew exactly how we would document the experiment. We muddled through a few potential blog names until Nick finally came up with the great name, No Bologna, since clearly we were about to cut out meat from our diet (this was my pre-vegetarian life!) Needless to say, our journey did not last very long and our blog lost it’s purpose. Fast forward to January of 2014 and I officially become a vegetarian! My previous blog wasn’t capturing all my life had become and I lost a lot of interest in it. That’s when I decided to jump back over to No Bologna and make it my full time blog. It perfectly depicts my life in general (not just in a stage) and I consider myself to be pretty blunt, open, and honest so figuratively speaking… No Bologna!