Blogging drama, that is…
I see a lot of people post about how bloggers can be so mean and so hurtful and people get attacked by bloggers all the time. I have personally never experienced this and I pray that I never have to. To me, blogging should be fun, I’m not doing it to make money (although, I know that for some people it’s added income and that’s great for them – so maybe it gets a little more serious there), I do it because of the fabulous friends I’ve made and because I enjoy discussing fun and exciting topics while sharing my workout goals and accomplishments in order to motivate and inspire myself and others. Although I’m not in the heat of it, I still witness a good bit of blogging drama. I don’t want to point anything out about anyone, I’m simply sharing how I keep myself out of the line of fire. Who knows, one day, no matter how hard I try, I may be in the middle of some blogging drama, but I can assure you that I’ll be doing my best to not!
{1} Be respectful
I completely agree and understand that everyone has a right to say whatever the heck they want to at any given time. It’s the whole “Freedom of Speech” thing and I get it, but just because you have the RIGHT to do something, doesn’t exactly mean you should… If I disagree with someone on something, I can respectfully let them know in a comment or I can keep my flapper shut. You won’t see me talking about it “openly” or even in a “round about” way to let someone know that I don’t agree with them or think they’re crazy for saying or doing what they’re doing. I may have the right to say what I want, but I’d rather just respect that person, let them say what they want to say and stay out of it because chances are, if I’m following them and reading their blog, then I agree with about the other 90% of what they say on a day to day basis, so I’m just gonna let that go and not put a damper on the relationship I’ve built with them.
{2} I don’t always speak my mind
If you know me IRL, then you know that I’m a very open minded person and I usually don’t hesitate to speak my mind or let you know how I feel about you. Honestly, you can usualy tell in my facial expression (yes, I’m one of those people), so with blogging… a lot of that gets hidden. I don’t think that means that you don’t know the real me, but I think it’s me letting another part of myself out into the world. I don’t like every post I read and most of the time, if I disagree with a post, it’s because one person was so closed minded and only saw something from one side and I can see how both sides could have a solid case about a topic, but I like the particular blogger who wrote that one post that didn’t quite sit well with me, and again… I’m just not going to speak my mind on it. Some people may think that the purpose of blogging is to create discussion and debate and that’s why we as bloggers choose to write about controversial issues, but it’s not that for me.
{3} I don’t use all forms of social media to attack other bloggers
I see blogging as a large group of friends… most of us, if we follow each other, we follow a lot of the same bloggers! If someone does something or says something, I don’t necessarily believe in blasting that all over social media (even if you don’t use a specific name or call anyone out), I firmly believe that most of the people reading either know exactly what you’re talking about (and in this case, creates even more angry and upset people and more drama and people start feeling attacked even if they weren’t originally) or they assume you’re probably talking about someone they do know and they start searching for the post that you’re ranting about. I don’t think social media was intended for this. Because people don’t have to look someone in the eye, they think they can say more and do more, but that thinking ends up hurting people a lot more and it’s just unnecessary.
I say all of this to point out that I am full of honest and true opinions and YES, I have every right to speak those, but I don’t. I have not embarked on any social media drama or blogging drama because it’s not why I’m here, Honestly it stresses me out… when I read of people attacking each other or attacking what other bloggers do or say, my heart races and it’s not good for my health. I’m not saying this to point out a specific event or topic, I’m saying this for all the blogging drama and social media drama that I’ve witnessed since my very first time as a blogger (and have just chosen to not speak up about it until now). Why can’t we all just be respectful of others, keep our dang mouth shut if it doesn’t pertain to us, and use social media as an encouraging platform, not a place to spew venom on those we don’t like. I realize that I may be putting myself in the line of fire just a tad with this post (maybe that’s hypocrytical, but I’ll just use everyone elses excuse- the 1st amendment) I think it’s important for beginner bloggers to understand that not every one has to deal with blogging drama when entering this way of life and there are ways to avoid it. I’ve been blogging for over a year now and sure I’m not a “big wig” in this blog land, but I haven’t dealt with any blog drama and it’s because of these 3 things here.
On a way more positive note: If you’re interested in an uplifting and encouraging blog relationship, consider signing up for the Bloggers Helping Bloggers swap that starts in July. You have until the 27th to sign up and it’s focused on praying and encouraging your partner (gifts are not required, but an encouraging note during the month is!).
Have a wonderful Wednesday, try to stay clear of the blogging drama, encourage and uplift each other, and stay positive friends!
Holly says
Oh I hate all the blogger drama that ends up happening. Some people take this all way too seriously, and I don’t understand why. Unless you’re getting paid for this, it’s just a fun hobby to have and enjoy! Why make it a mess for others??
Thanks for these tips…I share them as well!!!
SEL says
Great post. I agree with you on a lot of it.
I can be judgy mcjudgerson, just like the next person. But I keep my comments to myself if they’re negative in anyway. There’s just no rhyme or reason to be mean or nasty to people.
And I’ve seen posts about bloggers getting bullied and thankfully I’ve never experienced it, but am sad that others have to even address it. Can’t we all just get along? 🙂
Rachel says
Oh, I’m an opinionated person, too. But to me, it’s not worth it, and it’s not my job to go around correcting everyone who I happen to disagree with or who bothers me with something they said. What they say and what they think is none of my responsibility. To be sure, on occasions, someone’s blog post has upset me enough that I went on a little rant to my husband (most recently when a very popular blogger said that she thought skinny women very unattractive and couldn’t understand why any real man would want a skinny woman) –probably, that shouldn’t have fussed me. But it did. However, instead of trying to comment or drama anything up–I vented to my husband, the safe place for me, and then I was fine about it. Sometimes you do need a safe place to vent–but duking it out over petty disagreements in public does not seem to be good manners!
Meghan says
I am with you 100%. I have seen SO MUCH DRAMA online, and it breaks my heart. I usually keep my mouth shut and stay out of it, and I very rarely voice my opinion or criticize other posts. It’s just not worth it, in my opinion. I think it all stems from insecurity. The people who feel the need to attack others are probably miserable people in real life, too.
Miss Riss says
This is a great post Heather!! I’m on the same page with you, in that I have strong opinions, but I don’t really make them known in blogland. I love politics, and I consider politics and news to be a hobby of mine, but I’ve never really gotten political on my blog. I’m not in the mood for all drama it usually brings. In fact, I’ve not yet (knock on wood) really witnessed all the blog dramam people talk about. I’ve never seen it, I don’t know where it happens. But to think such positive thing as blogging can become yet another venue for arguing is unfortunate. I too love this hobby for all the blog friends I’ve made (including you!) and that’s what it will always be about for me! =)
Robin says
So many people forget that this is a hobby (except for those rare few who make a respectable income from it). If you don’t like it, go read something else. I’ll admit that I have been annoyed be excessive sponsored posts/reviews/give-aways lately, but I have started to just un-follow those people.
We all deal with enough of this behavior in real life – no need to come home and submerge ourselves with the same “drama” in the blog world.
Holly says
What a great reminder! It’s not hard to be respectful and I have no idea why there can be so much hate and drama in the blog world.
Sarah says
Great post! I am excited about the bloggers helping bloggers exchange!
Julie says
Oh I feel this on a daily basis. I enjoy reading blogs and whatnot, and I hope people come and read me. I know not everyone notes when they read, which I feel if you stop by a page you should at least say something or leave a smile, just so you know someone came by. But yes I’m tired of drama all over the place and its like if you don’t like it then don’t read it.