Welcome to Bliss! Can you believe it’s the end of August?! I’m a little baffled with how fast this year has gone! We’re right around the corner from Fall and the changing of the seasons are always my favorite – whether it’s summer to fall or winter to spring! Fall & Spring provide the absolutely perfect temperatures here in the South!
New Here? Bliss is a monthly link-up where we share our favorite things from the month. I’m excited to co-host this link-up with one of my best blogging friends, Meg! I just the made the final decision to head up North for Meg’s wedding next month and I’m so excited about seeing her again (We met at the Disney Wine & Dine race). Back on track… you can be as creative as you want, your favorite things can range from products to events to people to other bloggers! Share your links below, check out what other bloggers are favoring this month and maybe you’ll find your own new favorite thing!
I’ve been doing the Health Starts Here Challenge with Whole Foods Market Jackson this past month. I’ve had a lot of questions about the challenge, both from bloggers and people I see in my daily life. I wanted to share my favorite things from the challenge because these are things I’m going to continue incorporating into my daily diet. I’ve seen such a huge improvement and I hope to maintain a diet similar to what I’ve been doing for the past 28 days. If you have any questions about my 28 day challenge, feel free to e-mail me at nobolognablog@gmail.com.
365 Brand Woven Wheats & Peanut Butter
Larabars – Peanut Butter Cookie, Peanut Butter & Jelly, Cherry Pie, Banana Nut were among the ones I tried
Fresh fruit & vegetables
Ezekial Bread – english muffins & sliced bread. I topped mine with almond or peanut butter & sliced fruit with honey
Uncle Sam Cereal is your typical granola cereal and is good at filling me up quick in the morning
365 Hash browns were plainly shredded potatoes. They were delicious (when I didn’t burn them!)
Engine 2 Rip’s Big Bowl – the fruit in this cereal was really sweet so it kept it from tasting bland
Frozen Vegetables – they made my life 100 times easier during this challenge! Among the staples I keep now: chopped onions & stir fry mixes
Whole Foods 4 for 4 deal. I’ve mentioned this before, but it was perfect for me and lasted about 3 different meals.
Almond Milk – this was my substitute for creamer and what I used for any type of baking I did.
Rice & Veggies – my go-to meal because it was easy, cheap, and made enough for leftovers!
Coconut Lime Macaroons
Whole Wheat Blueberry Pancakes
Can’t wait to see what your favorites were for the month of August and let me know if you try any of these products! Link up below!
Oh man, now I am just so hungry!! I looove me some Larabars 🙂 That peanut butter cookie one sounds heavenly! Happy Bliss day!