Happy Monday!!
Maybe you notice the updated blog design – I got tired of messing with my own design and my navigation bar continued to not work, so I buckled down and bought a fairly inexpensive design that was super easy to put together! Etsy is great for finding pre-made blog templates for those of you looking! I’m excited to be back up and running. I was having a lot of issues around Thanksgiving with the blog, so I ended up not posting or re-capping at all, but Thanksgiving was a wonderful time had by all.
First, my weekend was pretty basic. Didn’t have a lot of plans, did a lot of cleaning and rearranging, got the spare room ready for my sisters to come to town next weekend, did an 8 mile run (it was supposed to be 10), had coffee with a friend, and went to Whole Foods! My marathon training is going…. okay. I’m just a couple miles behind on my long runs, but I’m feeling stronger and more confident. I really need to focus on strength training – it’s be lacking. I also need to focus on being more active in the evenings. I do my runs like I should, but I also spend a lot of time watching TV or messing with the computer. Running, but then leading a sedentary life style is not going to cut it!
Breakfast this morning was delicious toast with peanut butter, banana, honey, and cinnamon along with a comforting cup of french vanilla coffee.
Now for my very late Thanksgiving Re-cap (Part 1)
Nick and I arrived to Gainesville later in the day on Tuesday before Thanksgiving. When we got there, his siblings weren’t at the house, but we spent some time with Kathryn & Nick’s dad until they arrived. Nick and his siblings were so excited to spend some quality time together so naturally we had a late night planned. A good many strenuous games of Jenga ensued!
We finally headed off to bed only so we could wake up really early for our day at Disney! We left the house around 6am and got there in time for opening at Epcot. We definitely picked the wrong line to stand in because the people in front of us had NO CLUE what finger they used for their magic band.I kid you not…. the guy asked him, “What finger did you use the first time you scanned your magic band?” The guy said, “This one” and held it up. The cast member replied, “Ok, use that finger.” and then the not so smart person in front of my proceeded to use a DIFFERENT finger. I didn’t get it, but finally Nick and I made it in line for Soarin’. Soarin’ is one of our favorite rides! After Soarin’, we decided to have breakfast in The Land.
I ordered the eggs, hashbrowns, french toast, and biscuit platter. It came with sausage & bacon, but I passed that along to Nick. The hashbrowns were absolutely delicious! So much flavor to them. The rest of it was pretty basic, but still very good & satisfying.
Nick ordered a breakfast Panini that came with eggs, ham, and some other stuff. He thought it was really good. He made a comment about how there are good & bad things to me not eating meat… The good is that he gets the meat that I don’t want (i.e. the bacon & sausage), the bad is that when he tries something so delicious, he wants me to experience it as well, but I won’t eat it. That’s what he said about the Panini. He really wanted me to try it, but I couldn’t. He also likes how me not eating meat helps incorporate more vegetarian dishes into his life though. There are definitely some give & takes when you’re with a non-meat eater, but then again… that’s with any relationship!
After breakfast, we went and did Figment & Captain EO. We had never done Captain EO before, but It turned out really good. Not gonna lie, it was kind of nice seeing Michael Jackson performing. Around this time, we were ready to walk around the world. I was able to purchase my dad’s Christmas gift while there and I also grabbed some German chocolate for us all to share when we got back to Gainesville. It was a little chilly, so we grabbed some warm Apple Cider while we looked around.
Our next stop was Animal Kingdom, but unfortunately it was SO CROWDED! Ridiculously crowded in my opinion… we didn’t ride a single ride while we were at Animal Kingdom. We did manage to get a vegan donut, my favorite!
After that, we decided to head home a little early so we could spend some more time with Nick’s siblings before they headed out of town the next day. We enjoyed our day at Disney, but I’m so thankful we chose to head back because we had such a wonderful evening together. On the way back to Gainesville, we saw the coolest sunset.
I’ll recap part 2 later, for now I need to get ready for work. If you’re interested in reading about any other of my Disney adventures, then check those out here!
Have a great week and I’ll talk to y’all soon!
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