The Monday work day is officially behind us!
For LUNCH today, I tried Amy’s Broccoli & Cheddar Bowl. It was pretty great! There was more broccoli than I could actually finish, but I got most of it down. The cheddar and pasta were right on though! When it got close to quitting time, I also ate a CLIF bar because I knew I’d be working out after work and needed the extra fuel.
I headed to the gym immediately after work, My WORKOUT consisted of some treadmill walking and then an ab class and tone & scupt class. I’m definitely feeling it in my arms today! I felt like I pushed myself pretty well. Nick and I are working on some challenges right now – mine is to workout for 21 days straight! You know the saying, 21 days makes a habit? Exactly my goal. In fact, I made this “Back in the Habit” workout schedule for my friend Lacy this weekend because she needed something similar. I’m not currently doing this plan, but I wanted to share it with y’all in case you need a schedule to make working out a habit again! Just remember to walk if you need to walk! I know it jumps to 4 miles pretty quick, but that entire 4 miles can be walked if you want – just get moving!
I incorporated some yoga on the last day so you can stretch it out real good!
I got home from the gym and immediately worked on dinner. I made some Morning Star Riblets that turned out delicious with a croissant and a side of apples w/ peanut butter! It may be an odd combination, but it seriously did the trick for me!
I’ve heard people ask why you would eat “fake” meat. If you want to eat something that mimics the real deal, why not just eat the real thing? It makes perfect sense to me though! So let me explain just in case you’re wondering the same thing… Before I was a vegetarian, I would have loved some ribs. The texture and the sauce are a delicious combination. I love the fact that I’m able to enjoy some of my favorite foods without having to create more harm to animals. I don’t judge you for eating the real thing though – it’s all about personal choice.
That face is what happens when a car alarm goes off right next to you! Don’t they see we’re trying to take a picture here? No need to scare us!
Saturday night, Nick and I had a couples night with our friends Jamey & Ben. They grilled out for us and made Sangria! We also played a game that I’ve been hearing about over & over on blogs, but never had the opportunity to play until now…..
CARDS AGAINST HUMANITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In case you’re not familiar, it’s like Apples to Apples, but for adults. It’s a little more R-rated…. but so fun! I definitely had a blast for my first time playing.
Jamey also surprised me with my all-time favorite dessert! One day I’ll get the recipe from her and share it with y’all, but she uses Blackberry for me because we both love it!
It was a great weekend – drinks, friends, card games, and delicious food!
- Have you ever played Cards Against Humanity? What were your thoughts?
- What do you do when it’s time to get back in the habit of working out?
We love love love Cards against Humanity but fair warning – trying to play Apples to Apples after playing that is going to be quite hard, so hard in fact that you may not play it because its just not as fun. CAH is tradition now 🙂